Best Windows 7 Optimizer That Can Stabilize and Improve Your Computer Performance


A system optimizer is a software designed to maintain the performance of your computer, fix software related problems and keep your computer stable and secure. The need of a system optimizer software in Microsoft Windows7 operating system is high. This is because Windows 7 itself is unable to maintain all the mentioned aspects without the help of third-party products.

We are going to learn what exactly Windows 7 optimizer software is.

The best Windows 7 optimizer software shall include all the following features:

1. Registry Cleaner to fix the registry related issues

2. System Cleaner to clean unnecessary stuff and free-up the disk space

3. Registry Defragmenter to defrag the system registry

4. Startup Manager to control the programs running when you turn on your computer

5. Backup & Restore feature to restore unfavourable registry changes

“Registry Cleaner” to Fix the Registry Related Issues

Windows Registry is a vital component in Microsoft Windows 7. It contains information stored by your operating system and installed software. For example, the default settings, changes you made to your computer, system information, runtime data, etc. are stored.

Registry Cleaner is a software that finds the junk entries in the registry, and repairs them as far as possible. Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not include a built-in registry cleaner. The registry cleaner software included in the best Windows 7 optimizer lets you scan the genuine registry problems and correct them. It thereby helps avoiding many runtime errors and problems, such as, File Not Found, etc.

“System Cleaner” to Clean Unnecessary Stuff and Free-Up the Disk Space

A System Cleaner software lets you find the files and stuff that have unnecessarily occupied the hard disk space.

The tasks, like installing a program, uninstalling, repairing or updating the existing programs, and even just running the installed programs many times create temporary files, log files that need not be kept after the corresponding operation is performed. Sadly, many programs do not itself delete such files and stuff and thus your hard disk space is used for such unproductive stuff. Using a system cleaner software included in best Windows 7 optimizer, you can easily and safely delete such temporary stuff.

“Registry Defragmenter” to Defrag the System Registry

You know the importance of the registry in Windows 7 operating system, as already discussed. The continuous access of a number of programs to the registry results in its fragmentation. It reduces the system performance and freezes your computer.

The best Windows 7 optimizer software includes a registry defragmenter that enables analyzing the registry fragmentation and afterwards defrags it. A reboot is required to perform this process and all other running programs and services must be terminated.

“Startup Manager” to Control the Programs when you Turn on your Computer

Running too many programs at the Windows startup, results in system freezing and slow performance. A Startup Manager, included in best Windows 7 optimizer, lets you monitor and control the programs that run each time your computer is started. It lets you disable or delete the unwanted program entries and enable only those who are necessary.

Backup & Restore Feature to Restore the Unfavourable Registry

While doing all the above steps, care must be taken that you have followed some precautionary measures first, so that any unfavourable registry change can be later restored and unwilling situations can be easily avoided. The best Windows 7 optimizer should include such a feature.

Best Windows 7 Optimizer Recommended by Worldwide Experts


Source by A. Honey
