Marriage is the oldest and most solid institution in all over the world, which gives the sense of security, support and belonging; and it will be never an outdated concept. Generally, we can divide arguments for making a commitment for two groups depending on who they influence: there are benefits for a couple, and for children.
As for a couple, both spouses try to do more to save their relationship during fleeting moments, they do not go away freely like in the case of free relationship. Although when in love we theoretically trust and love each other, we must feel certain that our second half would not leave us without a trace because of some fancy such as: putting on weight.
Marriage is like assurance of loyalty, that a second person be with us for better and for worse, even when we are ill or weak. There is no fear of being alone for neither spouse and following on from this, no depression thanks to the assurance of unconditional support.
When you and your partner consider making a commitment, take this into account that the establishment of family should be based on trust and honesty; and marriage is the promise of both of them. It is also the assurance of encouragement, strength and stability.
Consider that there are also many financial and material benefits, for instance, a married couple can take advantage of tax breaks. The legal commitment of marriage ensures financial security for providing for children.
If it happens that partners discover that they aren’t well-matched, their commitment is also important: there is a division of property in the court so that no one is in danger of being left with nothing.
Then, if a couple gets married, children are raised in stable home. They need both a mother and a father, and the marriage of their parents gives them the feeling of security as they have an assurance that the bonds between their parents are strong and true.
Children raised in stable homes don’t have so many emotional problems as well as developmental ones, and can make acquaintances with their peers more easily. They can model themselves on their parents and have no problem with building their own families in the future.
No more reasons are needed to be mentioned to prove the positive effects of marriage on partnership and family unit. Still many people do not appreciate the benefits and are unfaithful to their partners. Sometimes they do it out of stupidity, sometimes because there are some indirect causes.
Source by Jolanta Wencel