Cisco CCNA (640-553) Security Exam Training – Using the Access-List Remark Command


In today’s article, I’m going to quickly inform you about the Cisco IOS Global configuration command named “access-list remark“.   

CCNA’s (like you) use the “access-list remark” command to write a helpful comment (remark) for an entry in a numbered IP access list.   

Note: The comment (remark) can be up to 100 characters long; and any comment (remark) that is longer than 100 characters will be truncated.  

Below is the command’s syntax:   

access-list access-list-number remark remark   

As you can see, the command uses the access-list-number and remark arguments.   

access-list-number – This argument is used to indicate the number of an IP access list.   

remark – And, this argument is the actual comment (remark) that describes the access list entry. (Remember the comment (remark) has a limit of 100 characters)   

Below is an example of the command being used:  


Router#configure terminal  

Router(config)#access-list 1 remark Only allow the abc workstation to get through  

Router(config)#access-list 1 permit  

Router(config)#access-list 1 remark Do not allow the xyz workstation to get through  

Router(config)#access-list 1 deny  


Router#copy run start   

In the example above, the workstation on the abc network that has the IP address will be able to get its IP traffic through; but, the workstation that is on the xyz network that has the IP address will not.   

As you can clearly see, the access-list remark statements are commenting on the ACL behavior.   

And, like with mostly all Cisco IOS commands; you can use the word “no” in front of the command to remove (disable) the configured command; like you see below:   

Router(config)#no access-list 1 remark   

By the way, if you decide to use the command, make sure your router(s) is running Cisco IOS 12.0(2)T or higher.   

I hope this article was very informative and helped you quickly understand the usage of the access-list remark command. If you need to learn more; I suggest you visit my website, were you’ll find the latest information regarding the Cisco CCNA (640-553) Security exam techniques.   

To your success,  


Source by Charles E Ross
