Management Courses Tackle Staff Absenteeism


Ask any company what their biggest stress or headache is on a daily basis and many will respond by saying ‘staff’. Business owners realise they would not be able to run their companies without their all important employees. Dealing with the many different personalities and issues staff can bring added stress to any business owner.

When you first start your business, you are the one dealing with everything and as time goes on you are unable to spread yourself any further and you look to use staff. Staff who will take responsibilities and pressure from you, so you can concentrate on growing your business. It’s difficult to know what course of action in employing staff you should take.

What is the biggest stress factor staff cause business owners? The biggest issue for companies is staff absenteeism, with the average member of staff taking 3.9 days a year. Employing just 50 people can have a huge financial effect for any company. Many employees will take genuine sick days, but there are a few who choose to stay at home because they feel demotivated or they are unhappy at work.

Interestingly employees will also take more sick days if they feel comfortable in the job they are in, believing the company cannot afford to get rid of them or feel they work so hard in the time they are at work they deserve the extra time away from work. Employees in management are also more like to take time off with stress related illnesses.

Absenteeism is thought to have cost companies over $4.52 billion, a financial strain companies can ill afford, especially as many are still recovering from the financial crisis.

How have companies reduced management absenteeism? There are many ways a company can keep hold of staff and cut the need for them to take time off, research has shown there are a few simple changes companies can make.

Companies found that simply sending staff on training courses has helped to keep their employees. Companies found it increasingly beneficial for team leaders who needed help with their management styles. Courses offered leaders the chance to learn how to handle their team more effectively and ultimately help them to deal with the stress their leadership role can bring.

Communication also plays a big part in ensuring staff feel involved and engaged, when employees are left in the dark, they feel untrustworthy and left out of decisions and processes; all of which lead to frustration and potential sickness days as they feel demotivated and unhappy. Speaking to employees is a simple tool in making them feel relevant in the workplace.

Companies also found creating growth opportunities can be a great way of motivating staff, we would all like to think the over time and extra hours we are putting into a company will lead to greater opportunities to improve and climb the career ladder. Offering courses to improve themselves is a simple way of showing there are options for growth within the company.

Management courses are really easy to find, identifying the need of your staff is the first step and then find the right company with excellent feedback, accreditation and more importantly offering the right qualifications and teaching style for your staff.

Companies found that investing in their employees and sending them on training courses not only halved the absenteeism days but found their staff and management were more productive, engaging and motivated. Ultimately happy staff will mean a happy business owner.


Source by K Hantouli
