Effective Security Managers need goals
The importance of ensuring that my personal work goals, plans and activities reflect my own responsibilities and accountability is very important.
If my personal work goals etc did not reflect or indicate that I am responsible or accountable for my plans or actions, no one would trust them, and it could be seen as hollow promises (to my self or the company, staff), and also whatever I have planned then has no substance.
The importance of reflecting the organisations plans is also very important.
This is because the organisation is the reason we are all here (apart from money and possible advancement), every plan, step forward, decision, and business process must be taken into account in reference to how each will benefit the organisation and staff.
An efficient and successful organisation always has plans and goals of where it is going, where it wants to be, and how it will get there in a financial sense and in a strategic planning sense.
If I do not incorporate these plans into my own thinking and business planning, my plans and actions may deviate from the most efficient business path, and this could be detrimental to me and the company that I represent and work for.
The approach that I take to achieve this is by knowing full well my own responsibilities that I have to the company and staff, and how accountable I really am for all my actions and planning.
Then when I add to this the companies / organisations plans, I then have 3 very important points that I can use in my planning, activities and work goals. From all of this I then have a clear path to follow when trying to achieve the desired outcomes for any task or work that I may be undertaking on behalf of the company and employees.
The benefits of (both to myself and the organisation) of taking the initiative to extend my personal work goals beyond those originally planned, are all round better performance and strength.
You can have a goal and that is a very good step to take, you could also have 2 – 3 goals based on your first goal, and that would then demonstrate that you not only had foresight, but you have other avenues and possible ‘b’ plans that you can use to follow or plan on to reach desired solutions and outcomes as needed.
If I / you extend our work goals to greater goals and possible achievements, it will mean that you are always advancing in a positive way. When you aim to reach a goal it usually requires a lot of work, effort and intuitive to reach that goal. Thus if you set many goals, or high level goals, and you do your best to achieve them you cannot go wrong as you will experience positive outcomes along the way.
By doing this your organisation will benefit from these positive steps and frame of mind, so will your immediate colleges and staff, because good goal setting and the will to achieve these goals can have a very strong positive affect on those around you.
An example of what we have done as a company to stretch our goals is by having a plan for the future – contracts and how we will manage them, training for staff on many different levels, and advancement opportunities etc.
Source by David WB Turner