As a retailer of the Taser X26c and Taser M26c I am often asked what the differences between these 2 devices are. First, both devices are non-lethal devices that use stun technology to stop an attacker using Electro-Muscular Disruption (EMD) technology. In police studies Tasers have a higher incapacitation rate than a 9mm hand gun. You can actually shoot an attacker with a 9mm hand gun and the attacker can still lunge toward you and attack you. If you shoot an attacker with a Taser, the attacker will not be able to move.
Both the Taser X26c and Taser M26c shoots out 2 darts attached to 15 feet of wire. The police version of these units shoots out 25 feet. You would like it would be opposite for the consumer to be able to shoot further that the police version.
Taser M26c Specifications:
The Taser M26c comes with a repeatable cycle of 5 seconds with a laser light to help the user in hitting their target. The Taser M26c comes with 4 live cartridges, no holster, in 1 color (black with yellow stripes), requires eight (8) AA batters (not included), is 8.3″ in length, 6″ in height and is 19.2 oz in weight. The Taser M26c comes with a storage case.
Taser X26c Specifications:
The Taser X26c comes with a repeatable cycle of 10 seconds with a laser light to help the user in hitting their target. The Taser X26c comes with 6 live cartridges, with a holster, available in 3 colors (black, clear and yellow), a Digital Power Magazine (for power), is 7.3″ in length, 3.2″ in height and is 7.2 oz in weight. The Taser X26c does not come with a storage case. The Taser X26c also comes with 1 hour training by an Officer and is download capable, Taser Cam capable, XDPM-Extended Grip Capable and 2nd Cartridge Holder capable. The Taser X26c is about double the price of a Taser M26c and is about ½ the size, making it more compact and easier to conceal.
Below is a comparison chart high lighting the differences:
FEATURE————-TASER M26c——————-TASER X26c
Energy Cycle————-5 seconds———————10 seconds
Repeatable Cycle——–Yes—————————–Yes
Back Up Stun Mode——Yes—————————–Yes
Light———————–No——————————2 LED’s
Liver Cartridges———-4——————————-6
Color———————-Black with Yellow Stripes—Black, Yellow, Clear
Target Includes———-Yes—————————-Yes
Battery Type————-8 AA—————————Digital Power Magazine (DPM)
Batteries Included——-No—————————–Yes
Weight——————-19.2 oz————————-7.2 oz
Additional Features—–Storage Case—————–Includes 1 Hour Training by Officer
More Options————Download Capable———–Download Capable TASER Cam Capable XDPM- Extended Grip 2nd Cartridge Holder
Source by P Birmingham