How To Plan A Trip With Ageing Parents


Plan Ahead:

Planning is very important in travelling. Ask your parents where they want to go so they will feel good, pack lightly so that it will be easy to carry. It will be difficult for your parents to move with a wheelchair and for you to rush in a connecting flight so if possible book a direct flight.

Request travel approval from a physician:

If your ageing parents have any major health issue, be sure to get travel approval from his or her primary care physician. Find out if your parent requires any vaccinations or prescriptions prior to travelling. Keep documentation with contact information for doctors with you when you travel with your ageing parents in case of an emergency.

Make arrangements for any special need:

If your parent will require wheelchair at the airport or any special seating, contact the airline you are flying with and arrange for these considerations. Make your loved one wear shoes that can easily be taken off and put back on. Let the agents know about any surgical implants that may be detected when you are going through security.

Label all medications:

Be sure that all medication taken on a trip for your parents is clearly labelled with the name of medicine, dosage and administration instruction. The medications should be approved through airport security checkpoints. It will be easy for you to help your parents with their medication while you travel together.

Make arrangements for dietary needs:

Older adults have dietary restrictions; they can only enjoy the limited list of foods, so make sure there will be appropriate food available or you are taking some special food with you for your parents.

Provide your elderly parents a way to contact you:

Provide your parents a way to contact you just in case you get separated. Giving your parents a prepaid mobile phone is a great way to ensure that your parents can get in touch with you whenever it is necessary. Make sure that your parent has written down your cell phone number somewhere.

Proper time to rest:

Whenever you plan a trip you focus on enjoying as much as you can, but planning a trip with elderly parents you focus on the ways in which they are comfortable. Go out have a look at the world around you; try out new things with your parents. But make sure that you are giving your elderly parents a proper time to rest. Avoid scheduling anything late night as elderly individuals are early to bed so it will disturb them.


Source by Mantasha Khan
