Nowadays, properties are getting bigger and bigger. Whether this is for residential homes, townhouse complexes or apartment buildings, businesses and other large properties, intercoms are becoming more of a necessity.
One of the number one uses for intercoms is in access control. Most complexes and business will utilise intercoms if their access gate is too far away for them to be able to see who is trying to get in. Furthermore, intercoms are handy with regards to that they can be specialised in such a way that numbers can be dialled on the initial keypad which will lead only to certain receivers on the other end. This is especially popular in businesses and complexes.
Intercoms are widely used for schools, so that messages can be sent to certain classrooms, or the entire school if need be. This way important messages that need to be portrayed to a large number of students can be sent across the school easily.
Shopping malls almost always utilise intercom systems. Most of the intercom systems will be linked in a large shopping centre. This makes it possible to send out a verbal message every shopper in the centre if need be. On the other hand, most of the stores will have their own personal messages and speaker for the store intercom. They will use the intercom to inform their customers of sales, call certain employees to the manager’s office or to the tills, or to inform shoppers of a missing child that has been found.
Airports famously use intercoms. Each airline will have their own intercom system which they will use to inform passengers of flight details. Without these intercoms some passengers would not know when their flight was leaving, or if there are any problems. These intercoms are especially important for foreigners in countries that speak different languages to their own home country. Most airports will repeat messages on the intercom in a variety of different languages, so that everyone will be able to understand flight details.
Intercoms are extremely important in so many different industries. They can be used in large warehouses or factories too. Due to their effectiveness in sending a verbal message to a multitude of areas, they are more commonly found in large companies. Intercoms will be used in warehouses and factories to communicate with employers on a widespread scale.
A lot more residential homes are resorting to intercoms as a security measure. Although they have been hugely popular in townhouse, cluster complex and apartment building developments, it was normally only very large buildings which used intercoms. Nowadays, intercoms are seen as much safer to use with regards to security. Home owners do not have to expose themselves to potential intruders by going to their gates or opening the front doors of their homes. They can now speak to any visitors on the intercom, to ensure that it is someone they would like to allow into their home.
Most intercoms will be linked to an access button, which can be pressed to allow a visitor in. Naturally the home owner will only do this once they have spoken to the person on the other end to ensure they know who they are letting into their property.
Source by Kobus Labuschagne