Programming in Daily Life


“The best method for accelerating a computer is the one that boosts it by 9.8 m/s^2.”

Philosopher Nick Bostrom, director of the Future of Humanity Institute at Oxford University in his ‘Simulation Argument’ stated “Humanity is literally living in a computer simulation. Instead of having brains in vats that are fed by sensory inputs from a simulator, the brains themselves would also be part of the simulation. It would be one big computer program simulating everything, including human brains down to neurons and synapses.”(Kuhn, n.d.)

A few of the instances of Programming in daily life are listed below..

Class and Object, the most important features of Object Oriented Programming, as we all know, plays a vital role. According to a programmer, Class is nothing but a blueprint of an Object and an Object is a real world entity that has inherent meaning with certain characteristics and behavior. In the same way, if we buy a mobile from mobile shop, we get the following in the box: Instruction Manual, Mobile, Charger, Headphone etc. In the above case, Mobile is a real world entity (i.e. Object) that has several purpose or characteristics and how to use it is provided by the Instruction Manual (i.e. Class).

Encapsulation is the wrapping up of data and functions into a single unit (i.e. Class). It also ensures data security. In the same way, the medicines that we take are also encapsulated. There is an outer coating/layer that surrounds a medicine tablet/capsule for several purposes. Firstly, it keeps all the medical compositions intact. Secondly, the external environment interference is prohibited that may change its composition. Thirdly, the effectivity of the medicine is also increased as it reaches the target area without any variation in its nature. Medical compositions can be referred to as data and functions while the external environment interference prohibition can be referred to as ensuring data security.

Polymorphism, which is nothing but condition of occurring in several different forms. When we are in a class room, we behave like a student. When we are in market, we behave like a customer and when we are at our home, we behave like a son or daughter. This is how in our daily life, we implement polymorphism. Single person, playing different roles at different times based on the circumstances.

Inheritance is when an object or class is based on another object or class, using the same implementation (inheriting from an object or class) specifying implementation to maintain the same behavior (realizing an interface; inheriting behavior). Whenever a child is born, he inherits or extends the genetic information from his parents like the child class inheriting from the parent class. Like in programming, parent class cannot inherit from child class, in the same way, in daily life, parents after giving money to child, don’t ask it back again in general cases.

Variable is a value that can change, depending on conditions or on information passed to the program as per programmer. Did we ever consider the fact that our emotions, needs, desire, expectations and many such related issues are also variables as they vary/change/alter depending on conditions either external or internal. For example, we become happy when something good happens to us while we become sad immediately once the situation is against us, this is nothing but treating mood as a variable whose value alters accordingly.

A constant is an identifier with an associated value which cannot be altered by the program during normal execution is really a tough definition to remember for normal people like me. But we can consider the simple fact that our soul is constant. We never die. Our body is made up of two parts namely soul and gross body. Gross body is nothing but the outer covering (i.e. epidermis) which is variable while on the other hand, soul is purely constant. Soul traverses from one body to another remaining constant.

How can I say that our gross body is variable while on the other hand, soul is constant?

The answer to the above question is quite simple and logical. If we keep our eyes wide open, we can observe several categories of people like few residing in multi-storied building while few in slums. Why there is difference? Have you all ever thought of it? It’s due to the effect of Karma. The gross body, one will get is purely dependent on past life activities. Human form of life is very fortunate and special. Soul traverses from one body to another body until it’s true motive is fulfilled. There are various other ways of understanding this concept but it’s out of the realm of my concern.

There are several other interesting facts of programming that can be easily associated with our daily life but I would like to restrict myself till here. Hoping to write more such wonderful articles to keep up the zeal of ‘Technological Arena’.


Kuhn, R. L. Is our universe a fake? Retrieved August 16, 2016, from


Source by Suprabhat Das
