There are a lot of men who really want to know how to increase the size of the penis. Men feel that the size of their manhood represents their manliness and masculinity. Even though credible sexologists tell men that size does not matter, in reality this is not the case and the size of the penis has a lot of significance. Which is why so many men are desperately looking for ways to increase the size of their penis. But is it possible to increase the size of the penis?
In many ways penis size matters and in many ways it does not matters. Sexologists say that an estimated 95% of penises are average, which is about 5-7 inches in length while erect. When women are surveyed about what they look in a man and in a lover, they very often mention caring, kindness, attractiveness, sense of humor, shared values and interests and so on. The size of the penis for the vast majority of women is not an issue. So of course sexologists say that penis size does not matter. But there is another side of the story.
But men have a very different opinion about the size of the penis. Men compare themselves to each other. And men also compare penis sizes in the locker room and especially when they watch porn. And of course then it might seem that your penis is much smaller and therefore you start asking yourself: “Is my penis really too small?” When you add to that all the spam e-mails you get that promote some penis enlargement product, then you will become convinced that size is key to women’s pleasure and orgasm because a big penis stretches the vagina more and penetrates much deeper.
On the other hand, an extra inch in length and 0.5 inches in girth wouldn`t be a bad thing. A lot of the times men need to enlarge their penis, even if it is just 0.5 inches in length, to get their confidence back. When it comes to sex, then confidence is very important. If you are low in confidence and suffer from performance anxiety, then it is hard to get a strong erection or you might ejaculate very early and so on. Basically, gaining some extra size is a very positive thing in most cases. In a lot of cases the sex life of couples has greatly improved because of penis enlargement.
If you really want to learn how increase the size of the penis, you need to make the difference between reality and fantasy – if i sounds too good to be true, then most of the time it is. There are so many scams out there are shady marketers try to sell all kinds of pills, patches and potions that are all suppose to increase the length of your penis by 3 inches in 3 weeks. It is really surprising how many men fall for these scams.
This does not men that penis enlargement is not possible. This does not mean it is impossible to increase the size of the penis naturally – it is possible. And hundreds of thousands of men have increased the size of their penis by doing penile exercises. Not only do penile exercises work extremely well, but they are also natural and very cost effective.
Quite a few men want to keep their penis enlargement endeavors secret for obvious reasons. And enlarging your penis with penile exercises, provides you with this opportunity. When you are a beginner, then your routines consist of very basic squeezing and stretching exercises that only take about 15-20 minutes. And everyone can find 15-20 minutes of total privacy in a day.
Since penile exercises are natural and penis enlargement is a natural process, then it takes time, consistency, willpower, patience and knowledge to make gains. Changes to your manhood are not going to happen overnight. It is possible to gain 2 inches, but it is going to take you 7-8 months, if you are a fast gainer and it can take you 12-18 months, if you are a hard gainer.
I am not trying to convince you that you certainly should be increasing your penis size – it is your choice! I am just telling you that it is possible to increase the size of the penis by 1-3 inches. And it can be done naturally, safely, cheaply, with very little effort and nobody has to know about it. I can say that from personal experience and from the experience and feedback of thousands of other guys.
Source by Randy Robinson