Trends of Data Recovery in 2016


From the ancient times, data is the most wanted asset of an organization. As the digital storage methods were adopted, the data loss was the troublesome area for the organizations. Many IT tools and organizations like Oracle, SQL, became famous for managing data resources.

Moving from the digital old methods to manage big data centers have not invented any method in which we can have zero data loss during the data recovery process.

The advanced technologies like cloud storage, virtual storage, data mining and warehousing techniques are developed by the IT professionals. But none of the methods could satisfy the need of the organizations to save the data for the long time without any loss.

The IT experts and the Financial Analysts have come to a conclusion that a big storage cart and a huge team can not be the solution. It is seen that many organizations have closed their local server storage rooms, personal data centers, etc.

Instead, a hybrid data collection model is adopted which allows organizations to store the data on the remote resources by maintaining private cloud or public cloud infrastructure.

In accessing, maintaining and recovering the data, security has become a major issue which has forced the IT professionals to invent new methods of data storage and data recovery.

Many organizations are implementing the concept of common storage. This has reduced capital expenditures (CAPEX) and operation expenditures (OPEX) with the ability to quickly scale and recover the data from an old resource.

In 2015, a complex, high-end software defined storage (SDS) systems was the top trend which has changed the viewpoint of data recovery. The trends include the need for better data privacy and security along with the enhanced legacy of the data management technologies.

The four major transformations in the storage of the databases will be:

1) Data Protection as a service initiative

2) Database as a part of the cloud service

3) New aligned apps for the DBA and application heads will be introduced in 2016.

4) A well defined DBA role to maintain oversight of data protection to get zero loss on recovery

According to the market survey, the global storage will be double in the volume by 2019.The major services adopted by the organizations in the 2016 are:

1. Use of cross platform approach in the diversification of data creation and storage

The different organizations are relying on the techniques to keep the data in the remote. Cloud storage has become one of the most demanding ways of storage. As the data is stored in the variable formats using the standard tools. A centralized recovery of data irrespective of its origin is preferred for the future use.

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) techniques are in the market for the last 10 years, but many do not pay attention to them because of the high cost. A normal DLP process involves:

1) Maintenance of confidential data to be private only

2) Control over out flow of data

3) Implementation of the standard software’s with the licensed versions of full data recovery

4) A virus free data with the defined data dictionaries and source file coding

2. Raised demand to develop disaster recovery capabilities

The dependency on the digital storage is 100% now. The disaster recovery methods can only prevent the companies data in case of total database failure. Moreover the social and environmental issues are having an impact on the data storage methods. In the year 2016, the trend of making the duplicate copies of the data is going to be followed.

The top disaster management methods will include:

1) Hybrid-infrastructure is the only solution for future prevention of data.

2) Tie ups and alliances are causing major difficulties in recovering old data. The use of data center will be the right option in such cases.

3) Transfer of data from one platform to another causes loss of original data definition and integrity which needs to be preserved. A standard format which is convertible has to be adopted to have minimum loss.

3. Implementation of emerging IT platforms into existing infrastructure

In the last 10 years, many repositories are being created to serve the various sectors like IT, health care, financial sector, etc. The responsibility of maintaining them is taken by the IT companies. This is providing high recovery rate and also assuring the privacy of data. A new IT trend is to attach the repositories with the clouds. But the requirement of using new innovative techniques to create lighter clouds are required. In the year 2016, we will keep on researching on the methods to create such platforms and to transfer more and more data into the clouds with the extended security and privacy options.

In the year 2013, a new wave of “doing by yourself because you know your data better”, started. The time spent in explaining organizational data to outside IT company was a tough process.

The ERP software is used for the big data storage and recovery. The IT companies are able to recover data in a better way now. The same trend will be followed in 2016.

4. Mission of shorter recovery time and objectives for penetrating environments

The IT professionals are always working under pressure to provide new methods for the database recovery. They have developed short recovery modules without any data loss. But these modules need to be customized according to the data required. Hence the development of such environments is always demanding. They require proper formats of the databases. The maintenance of business data, emails, financial data and other important data which is an asset to the organization has become a painful area for most of the old organizations. In such a dilemma, the organizations are not able to opt for the best technology.

The objective in 2016 will be to apply and recover most of the data of such organizations. The virtual data methods will be applied by using automatic cleaning and modifying tools.

5. Performance-oriented services with the raised price in 2016

The volumes of data are increasing, backup and recovery of data are becoming difficult and the profit margin in updating such big volume records is less. The new term called recovery per unit data loss is becoming the criteria to set the pricing for the recovery. The prices will be more to recover per volume of data with the low data loss in 2016.

The proactive measures to recover data increases the comfort and if this is done on the regular basis then the chances of maintaining accurate data with less redundancy increases. The new methods of dividing the data on the basis of categories never permits to raise the volume very high.

So, finally the followed trends of 2016 in data recovery will be opting for the cloud storage and more of virtualization techniques. The data recovery will move around the four terms

Cloud: Data protection as-a-service.

Mobile: Push data out to the edge.

Social: Defining new formats of data.

Big Data: Protection of more needful data.


Source by Rekha Talwar
