Data loggers are electronic instruments that record different kinds of data. They are often small machines run on battery power. The use of rechargeable batteries are very convenient with these devices. The great thing about these devices is that you can record information without having to be there to record the data. Although batteries might need to be changed on a regular basis. However these devices have the capacity to record data for many months at a time.
All of the above help to record important data that might be used for a variety of reasons depending on the data acquired. The majority of these devices use turn key data programming on a personal computer to utilise the logger and look at the data collected. Other types of data logger are general purpose designed to be connected to a wide variety of voltages and sensor types.
Two names commonly used together are data logging and data acquisition. However these are not the same and have very different historical backgrounds. Data loggers commonly have slower sample rates, typically the highest sample rate of 5 HZ could be considered to be too quick, yet it is on the slow side for a data acquisition system.
A Data logger is implicitly a stand-alone piece of equipment compared to the data acquisition system that has to remain connected to a computer to gather information. There is arguments over which one is best, but they both have pro’s and cons. Each device offers something different depending on what you want to use it for.
Because the data-logger is a stand-alone device it has to have on-board memory. Occasionally this memory is very big to allow for many days, or even months, of recording that has been left unattended. The memory of this device might be battery operated static random access memory, flash memory or EEPROM. Data loggers have changed quite a lot since they were first Historically data loggers utilized magnetic tape, punched paper tape, or directly viewable records such as “strip chart recorders”.
Data loggers commonly have built-in clocks whose published drift can be a crucial consideration when deciding what device to choose. The loggers come in many different forms from basic single-channel input to complicated multi-channel devices. Commonly, the most basic the tool the less programming flexibility. The more complex devices permit the user to carry out cross-channel computations. Also alarms created for predetermined conditions.
The latest data loggers can serve pages on the internet that permit many individuals to monitor a system remotely. A wireless data logger is a tool that can be solely electronic or have a microprocessor, it can also combine the two. Basically a wireless logger is a data logger that has a wireless link. No matter whether the information is digital, analogue or frequency depends completely on what the logger is designed for.
Recently a few manufacturers were beginning to provide output in XML format file information. This is a positive step forward for the business as up till now there has not been much compatibility with the data formats that were recorded. The future for data-logging is no doubt with the wireless kind and developments within this type. The future is broad and could bring about many new devices as well as applications for them.
Source by Adriana N.