Graphs and Charts are a simple and visual way of presenting your data in a manner that any user can understand. When presenting raw unformatted data, users can easily become confused and lose interest in the data. The best way to capture a user’s attention so they can more easily understand all the information is to create graphs. In this article, we answer why there is a need for graphs.
Organizing large amounts of data. This is probably the most important reason for graphs. It’s so important in fact, that there dozens of software companies that sell graph & charting software for corporations so they can more easily view their data. For large corporations, they often have to deal with millions upon millions of lines of data to sort through. This can easily become impossible to understand. By using graphs, the data becomes more organized and easier to sift through. The data then becomes more manageable. When viewing data through graphs you can see patterns forming. The corporation’s leaders can then make decisions based on the graph’s information. Most large corporation use reporting and graphing software often.
Capturing user’s attention. There are times that no matter how much you try, the information you are trying to convey to others can seem boring and uninteresting. This is especially true when dealing with historical data. One way to keep a user’s attention is to put your data into a graph display. Graphs are usually colorful and vibrant; this stimulates the eyes and grabs people’s attention. As opposed to a raw data which looks boring and stale. Graphs can help you convey what you are trying to make your users understand.
Most individuals are very visual. Meaning that they understand things better when they see information instead of just listening to information. Graphs take advantage of this by making the user focus their attention on the information being displayed. Without the visual stimulation, the data becomes very tough to read and understand.
Follow trends. For small and medium sized business’, using graphs can help them follow what trend are working best for them. For example, by using a graph, they can see if a particular special yields better sales. Or using a line graph with the hours of operation, they can see what particular time of day they achieve the best sales.
There are actually dozens of reasons why graphs are important in every day life. These are just a few. Without graphs, we would all have a harder time making sense of the billions of lines of information available.
Source by Adrian Soto