How to Write a Product Data Sheet – A Handout


A data sheet helps the prospect to make right decisions about the product. A prospect goes through the data provided in the sheet and decides whether the product is according to his/her requirements or not; if the stuff listed in the sheet makes the prospect feels positive, no doubt, the maker of the product can see a sale around the corner. A data sheet lists out all the features of a product including the technical details and explains them in an easily understandable language to the prospect. It lists out all the advantages the prospect can get after using the product. Before buying a particular product, experienced technical people like to go through its data sheet and then take the decision whether to buy or not.

A good data sheet never neglects to list out even the minor features, which can make a difference to the person who uses the product. Showing the features in a graphical way besides explaining about the same makes a huge value addition to the product. The data sheet lay out should be in such a way that the content and the graphics presented in the sheet should appear in neatly divided sections (without overlapping) with the explanation and the graphics changing positions from left-to-right or right-to-left in every alternative succeeding sections.

Depending upon the product features, the data sheet has to be divided into clear-cut sections with the subheadings describing the characteristics of the product. The main components of a data sheet are

1. The product introduction: An introduction should be given about the product and its related other market categories.

2. Advantages of using the product: List out how the user can profit by using the product

3. Working process of the product: Explain the working process outline of the product for the benefit of the readers interested in the technical aspect of the same

4. Performance measurement factors of the product: List out the benchmarks to measure the performance of the product with respect to other products of the same/related category

5. Benefits in using the product: List out how the user will be benefited after using the product

6. Legal and safe use of the product: List out all the legal and safety aspects for using the product; list out all the safety certifications to tell the user how safe is the product and in what way

7. The cost-effectiveness of the product: This aspect is very important for the user as this factor forces the user to decide whether to buy the product or not

8. The disadvantages and how the user can minimize them: List out the disadvantages but give solutions to the user how they can be overcome. Listing out disadvantages, with solutions explained in brief, increases the credibility of both the product and the company, which built it.

9. Automation features of the product (if any): List out all the points the user can automate while using the product. Remember, everybody wants to break away from the monotonous way of doing things.

10. How the product can save the user’s money: The prospect is always interested in how fast the investment made on the product can be recovered. The product ROI (Return on Investment) gives the prospect an idea of how fast the money invested can be recuperated and through what factors.

Finally, the data sheet can make or mar the selling prospects of a product. Presenting the nuances of the product in a crispy, concise, and informative manner in a data sheet really helps a product to make a hit.


Source by Pavan M Kumar
