For food and beverage businesses, the customer is their greatest resource. All functions and services that an business offers are all geared toward catering to the customer. However, some businesses can fail to maximize the revenue potential of customers. This issue can be alleviated through the use of proper selling techniques. When staff utilizes suggestive selling techniques throughout their interaction with customers, food and beverage businesses realize increased revenue streams.
Every restaurant should maintain a restaurant operation manual that details how staff should interact with customers and utilize suggestive selling techniques. Suggestive selling is simply using the power of persuasive suggestion that directs customers to other services and products an business may offer. In this manner, staff becomes a primary source of advertisement and sales generation for a food and beverage business.
Utilized properly, suggestive selling techniques are designed to enhance a customers experience at an business, to increase revenue through additional sales, and to generate repeat business. This endeavor can and should be a primary function of every staff person that has interaction from customers. With proper training, food and beverage management can ensure that personnel are aware of this important duty, and more importantly, have the skills to carry it out.
Suggestive selling techniques begin with knowing your customers. For new customers this means paying attention to what they say and do. This will help staff to determine what other services or products that can be reasonably offered. For repeat customers, staff should have an idea of a guests taste and be prepared to offer services and products that are in line with previous behavior. In either case, the key is to be aware of what customers want and desire as to best be in a position to offer it to them.
For suggestive selling techniques to be effective, food and beverage management should ensure that staff is well versed in selling points and in the services that an business offers. Thorough knowledge and training will ensure that personnel have the confidence to carry out their duties. In one sense, food and beverage management have to convince staff that suggestive selling is a necessity. If staff take it to heart, then they are more likely to effectively deliver the message. Further, in order to be in a position to suggest other services and products, staff will have to possess an intimate knowledge of the business’s product and service offerings.
At this point, every staff member becomes de facto sales persons. Attitudes should be upbeat and positive. Displaying an enthusiasm for services and products will help produce similar feelings in customers. The idea to keep in mind is that customers are there to purchase a product or service already, so sell them all you can.
If the entire staff of a food and beverage business is involved in suggestive selling, then customers are sure to have a fulfilling experience. Training, in fact, is the key to ensuring staff are prepared to undertake this endeavor. Our restaurant training guide can assist food and beverage management by providing detailed procedures to prepare employs to become suggestive sellers. Food and beverage management can only benefit from our ebooks.
Source by Ehab Rashwan