Advantages of Lamp Server for Web Hosting


Dedicated website hosting is termed as using one web server utilizing all of its resources in order to handle sheer amounts of data of a single website. High traffic and million hits per day touching websites like Freelancer, Odesk, eBay, Amazon, & Microsoft etc. use dedicated servers for hosting their online businesses. As an online businessman, there is a definite need of having dedicated LAMP server for website hosting. Sadly speaking many people still entrepreneurs still try to save their costs and forget about getting dedicated LAMP server hosting for their e-commerce business.

When you are getting thousands of hits per day, it indicates that your website is doing pretty good in terms of attracting visitors. It’s however this very same traffic could become quite a big pain in the beck if not handled properly. Handling high volumes of traffic with sheer amounts of data is virtually impossible with shared web hosting or cheap dedicated web hosting packages. This results in servers getting crashed leading to important files being missed and data lost. As a result here you would need services of professional and dedicated web hosting services in order to handle high traffic in the long run.

LAMP server is backbone of any e-commerce related business. LAMP server is a combination of Linux OS, Apache web server, MySQL database management system, and PHP/Perl/Python web programming languages. For any business, hiring dedicated services for web hosting is a hefty cost to be paid but looking for long term benefits, it is definitely going to pay off. Linux is the best operating system to be used for hosting web sites. It is fast, secure and improves pages’ loading times even when there is high traffic on your website. Apache is a web serve used for hosting websites that has crossed 100 million mark of website hosting on its server. MySQL is the most popular, free and open source database management system that is used to handle customer records and various other data for every website. PHP/Perl/Python are three programing languages and either one of these could be used in order to complete the LAMP server configuration.

In order for proper functioning of your website, you need to be sure that the LAMP server dedicated web hosting services are reliable enough. Check the company’s previous performance based on customer reviews. Some web hosts require system reboots after software updates or minor installations. While this is something normal for a server to take place, but the ecommerce business hosted on that server would get a big shock of loss in revenues and profits. No visitor would be able to browse the website when server is down, restarted or crashed.

Hence it is very important to note that the server has minimum rebooting so that the website is up and live on the internet. Dedicated LAMP server assures maximum performance, security and quick page loading times minimizing chances of server crashes. This protects attacks from malware, and malicious viruses.

When you are hosting your website especially on Europe’s server, then go for LAMP server hosting as it has the best combination of sites getting hosted


Source by Yasir Saeed
