We focus on FREE translation memory tools. While CAT tools such as TRADOS and Wordfast are widely used in the translation industry, free open sourceTM software may be utilized as alternatives of such major CAT tools.
We pick up two software called OmegaT TM and Anaphraseus TM and discuss on their advantages and disadvantages.
OmegaT TM
OmegaT is a CAT tool which some of its features include user-customisable segmentation using regular expressions, translation memory, fuzzy matching, match propagation, glossary matching, context searching in translation memories and keyword search
in reference materials.
OmegaT uses international standard TMX (Translation Memory eXchange) as its native translation memory format which most CAT tools are able to import and export. TMX is an open XML standard which allows easier exchange of TM among translators with different application tools.
Although it lacks of features in comparison with other CAT tools, OmegaT is fast in segmenting a source file, compiling target files (known as ‘clean up’), and its fuzzy matching. In its earlier version, OmegaT segments the source file by paragraph, rather than sentences. Now, you can select paragraph or sentence-level segmentation. By using the function called Editing Behavior under Options, you can have the selection of displaying in source text or best fuzzy match. This is a CAT tool that is worth trying out.
OmegaT includes the following features:
– Fuzzy matching
– Match propagation
– Simultaneous processing of multiple-file projects
– Simultaneous use of multiple translation memories
– External glossaries
– Document file formats include:
Microsoft Office 2007
XLIFF (Okapi)
MediaWiki (Wikipedia)
Plain text
– Unicode (UTF-8) support: can be used with non-Latin alphabets
– Support for right-to-left languages
– Compatible with other translation memory applications (TMX)
Some third-party software that can be used with OmegaT are OpenOffice.org, Rainbow, bitext2tmx, and Samuel Murray’s scripts and procedures.
Download site: http://www.omegat.org/en/downloads.html
Anaphraseus TM
Anaphraseus is CAT tool for creating, managing and using bilingual Translation Memories. Some of its main features Include text segmentation, terminology Recognition, plain-text TM (Unicode UTF-16), fuzzy search in TM, UTF-16 TMX export/import, user glossary and OpenOffice. org extension.
Anaphraseus works in OpenOffice.org as an extension and work seamlessly with TM created in Wordfast. You can install it using Extension Manager under Tools in OpenOffice.org. During the translation process, Anaphraseus divides the translated text into segments or sentences. When a segment is selected, Anaphraseus displays the closest match found in the TM.
As an OpenOffice.org extension, it allows you to use all the features of the word processor “on the fly”. When it comes to performance, it is slower than Wordfast, especially when handling large files. Anaphraseus works with translation memory in TMX format, which allows you to work with most CAT tools in the market.
Anaphraseus includes the following features:
– Text segmentation
– Terminology recognition
– Plain-text TM (Unicode UTF-16)
– Fuzzy search in Translation Memory
– Unicode UTF-16 TMX export/import
– User glossary
Since Anaphraseus is still in beta test, it currently works only with unformatted text, skipping all formulas, pictures and similar objects. If you need a CAT tool that won’t cost you anything and works with OpenOffice.org, Anaphraseus is worth a try.
Download site: http://anaphraseus.sourceforge.net/
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