Generations Family Tree is a software package that is no longer being produced but can still be located on sites like eBay.com and craigslist.org. Keep in mind that it is sold under the name of “Reunion 9” for an Apple Mac computer. This software is for those who are researching their family tree and want to create, update, and maintain charts of their family lineage. The software was first created by Sierra Home, a company that was bought out by Genealogy.com’s parent company AE Television Networks in 2002. It got its start as a software piece called Reunion that was developed for the Mac.
The company that introduced Reunion then sold their Windows version to Sierra Online. Sierra Online became Sierra Home later down the line. It was then renamed and is now known as the software, Generations. The version of Generations called Millennium that was created by Sierra came complete with a number of helpful bonus pieces that included Civil War Muster Rolls, digital images of the handwritten 1800 Census for Charleston, New York and Philadelphia, and two complete disks containing Social Security Death Index records. It also included an entire disk of historic documents that are contained at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration.
As a bonus it contained a disk of marriage records, Ellis Island records, a disc of immigrant ships, one of land records, and marriage license. Anyone who has used Generations genealogy software has enjoyed the reporting and charting options that include full sized wall charts, hourglass charts, and timelines. The extremely easy setup and the ability to import files from other programs are great. If you want to rearrange items on your family tree you can do it easily by dragging and dropping the entries.
You can also insert photos, captions, and documents as well as video and audio clips. Anyone who has reviewed this software has said it is easy enough for the novice people to use and at the same time, advanced enough for the more experienced genealogy researchers. The Generations software users appreciate being able to make large family tree charts.
Some of the perks that come with the software are great and include the Master cook Heritage Edition for salvaging family recipes, Snapshot Express software that lets you touch up old photos after they are scanned in, and iCollect, which is a program that lets you save websites for you to view offline. researchers in Genealogy in the United States will agree that even as the software becomes outdated, the extras, mostly including the digital images of the 1800 Census, will always be valuable and treasured pieces of information.
The website, Censusfinder.com, also offers links to some archived online United States Census data and also records from nations such as Scandinavia, the UK, Canada, and Native American. The Generations Family Tree forum has an expanded list of answers and questions about this and other genealogy software. Keep in mind that it is not updated very often though.
An in depth tutorial detailing the differences between the version put out by A&E Television Networks and the versions by Sierra Home is available online. So although the software itself is not being created for Windows systems any longer, many people have experienced it and put their guidelines and tips up on the web that anyone who is considering purchasing a second hand copy that was purchased off of eBay or Craigslist could find a fair amount of support for the software.
British genealogy researchers that are interested in Generations genealogy software can purchase the British version (not including the American version’s CDs full of Census and other American data) from online software dealers that include TWR Computing. An available software patch ensures that it is compatible with Windows 7 and Windows XP. For non-Brits and Britons as well, and will provide excellent pieces of information concerning which versions of Generations software are compatible with which version of Windows.
It could be very helpful to anyone that is considering purchasing a used copy that can be found online. While unofficial feedback is available that claims that Generations software version 8.5a (the latest version available) is compatible with Windows Vista. There is a strong possibility that you will be able to find a site or two that offers to let you download Generations for free, you are advised to be skeptical of such sites because it is almost guaranteed that it will download viruses to the computer that you are using instead of the software you thought you were getting. For those who have concerns about buying Generations software just to have to start over from scratch at a later date, you can save your database from Generations as a GEDCOM file. Almost all genealogy software will allow both importing and exporting to a GEDCOM file. You could export files from Generations in GEDCOM format and be fairly certain that you will be able to open and alter it in that form with other genealogy software packages.
Source by Daniel K. Voyles