Isn’t All Coaching Actually Behavior Coaching?


What is behavior coaching? Is it a new niche that targets a specific market? Is it a new type of coaching that is something to consider for your practice?

What is Behavior?

Behavior is the action of an individual. These actions are controlled by the sum of their thoughts, beliefs, and feelings about specific people, ideas, or situations. Observing, analyzing, and understanding human behavior is a critical part of psychology, and It has also become an important part of it.

What is Behavior Coaching?

It is about using a combination of processes, modalities, and coaching tools to bring about lasting behavior change. The thoughts and ideas inside someone’s head have a significant impact on someone’s behavior. Whether that behavior is negative or positive, thoughts, beliefs, and feelings have a profound influence on the actions someone takes.

Behavior coaching uses many different variables in helping individuals overcome obstacles and reach their goals. These variables are different from client o client, and change over time for an individual. These variables include:

  • Knowledge – facts and data created by sight, sound, experience, or report.
  • Beliefs – acceptance of a fact, theory, or body of knowledge without proof or positive knowledge. Religious belief would be an example of beliefs.
  • Skills – the ability to do something well based on talent, practice, or coaching and training.
  • Values – ideals and ideas resulting from custom, culture, learned behavior, family, and more.
  • Attitude – feeling, disposition, or position toward something specific or general.
  • Relationships – who has influence over the individual at the moment, and who has influence them in the past.

Being a coach means that you are trying to help clients change their behavior in order to reach their goals or enhance their lives.

Aren’t All Coaches Behavior Coaches?

Calling yourself a coach might be redundant – all coaches are essentially behavior coaches. Behavior coaching has often refereed to an intervention-type event – something special where behavior has gotten so poor that a sudden, impactful event is needed to correct it. However, coaching behavior has become a critical component of the coaching model – an orientation toward behavior and analytics helps clients overcome obstacles that have been blocking them from their goals and provides them with the tools needed to analyze their progress.

Can You Call Yourself a Behavior Coach?

Of course you can call yourself a coach. You can select any niche or name you want. However, you want to make sure you have the coaching tools to back up that moniker. Since all coaches are essentially doing some type of behavior coaching in their practices, you better have the knowledge, tools, and skills to produce the desired behavioral outcomes above and beyond most of the other coaches.

If you are going to call yourself a coach, you better own the name and be the best coach at coaching behavior. You may be one of the only coaches to call yourself a coach in your market, but you’ll still have plenty of competition – every other coach in the area!


Source by Jeffrey T. Sooey
