Reiki for Prosperity, Abundance and Financial Success


Quite a few people have written to me asking how to use Reiki to bring abundance, prosperity and/or

financial success into their lives. This article is a somewhat shortened version of my blog entry on this

matter. Please click on the link below to read the longer version.

I’m going to present a few ideas for using Reiki to achieve abundance, prosperity and/or financial success.

But before I do that, I want to mention that this is one area where Reiki and Feng Shui go together very

nicely. Many books on Feng Shui specifically tell you how to set up your environment to encourage abundance and prosperity.

I do want to acknowledge something before I continue my discussion. To some people, speaking of Reiki and money or Reiki and financial success in the same breath makes them cringe. They view Reiki as pure Love, a spiritual calling, and to introduce the idea of money into the sacred realm of Reiki is abhorrent to them. If that is your viewpoint, I completely understand and respect your position. I have known healers in many fields who have felt the same way.

But I am a bit more of a pragmatist and a realist. I recognize that we need to make a living and we need to support our families. Even more importantly, I realize the negative effects poverty and monetary insecurity can have on us.

When a person feels financially uncertain, even endangered, that person may find it very hard to pay attention to the spiritual aspects of his/her life. If someone has so much financial worry, thoughts of “How will I pay the bills?” and “Will we lose the house?” may occupy so much of that person’s energy and time that they can scarcely think about things like helping others heal.

Does this mean that poor people and people with financial difficulties can’t be spiritual and can’t help others heal? Of course it doesn’t mean that. However, survival issues can become paramount, and for many, many people, these issues interfere with their ability to give any of their energy to spiritual and healing issues. We are all human, with a limited amount of energy and resources available to us at any given time.

But beyond this, I don’t believe there is anything inherently wrong in the desire for abundance, prosperity

and financial security. We live in a world that is run by money; that is the reality we live with, no matter

how much we might wish it were otherwise. Without sufficient money, we are in deep trouble! When we have sufficient money, we can turn our attention more easily to helping others.

Everyone has to define what the term “sufficient money” means to them. For example, I am not fond of the idea of using Reiki to win the lottery, or to win at gambling. Frankly, I don’t like the energy of gambling, because so many people’s lives are ruined by gambling.

Having said that, however, I leave it up to you to decide how much money is “sufficient”. The people who

contact me about using Reiki for prosperity usually want to have enough money to pay their bills on time and provide a good home for their families. Some of them have started Reiki and other healing practices, and want those practices to be financially successful so that they can both help others and support their


The term “abundance” is also open to interpretation. Abundance is not necessarily the same thing as having a lot of money, or being very prosperous. Each person has to decide what “abundance” means to them. Someone who does not have a lot of money but who has a lot of friendship and love might feel that their life is filled with abundance. Having a sense of abundance allows us to feel content with what we have. That assumes, of course, that we don’t struggle to find the money to eat every day, or we don’t live in an unsafe place.

You can use Reiki to attract abundance and prosperity towards you in many ways. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Draw the Reiki Power Symbol and the Long Distance symbol on a piece of paper, and place them in your wallet or purse. Every time you see them there, think of abundance/prosperity being drawn to you across time and distance. You can also place these symbols in a jar of coins and tuck one in the back of your checkbook.

2. Draw the Power Symbol on your Palm Chakras each morning. This will serve as a symbolic reminder of how money changes hands, and it will help draw that money toward your hands.

3. Use Aventurine stones or Malachite stones, both of which are often used to represent money. Place the

stone in one hand while you draw the Power and/or Long Distance Symbol over that hand with your other hand. Concentrate on the idea of wealth flowing toward you. Leave the stones near your checkbook, purse, wallet, etc.

4. Using the Long-Distance Symbol, you can send Reiki into the future for your finances. In other words, you can send positive energy into the future. You can also use the Long-Distance Symbol to go backwards in time to help heal some of the emotional toll that financial difficulties have taken on you.

5. If you have a business, you can draw the Power Symbol and/or Long-Distance Symbol in the air in the

corners of your place of business, over the cash register or credit card machine, etc. Leave small

Aventurine or Malachite stones that you have charged with Reiki near the register or credit card terminal.

There are several Chakras that are important to pay attention to in money matters:

1. The Palm Chakras – since money literally “changes hands”.

2. The Third Eye Chakra – because it’s the seat of your intuition, and it can help you make good decisions

about your future.

3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – because it’s the place of your inner wisdom, your “gut feelings”, and it can

help you determine whether something is a good or bad financial decision for you.

4. Be sure to focus on your Root Chakra, too, if self-confidence (or lack of it) is an issue. Your Root

Chakra is also important if past financial problems have disturbed your sense of stability and security (and

made you less confident as a result).

The subject of Reiki for abundance, prosperity and financial success is complex and multi-faceted. I have

just scratched the surface with this discussion. Please feel free to sign up for my newsletter to learn more

ways that Reiki can help you in your everyday life.


Source by Loretta Noble
