The Truth About GPS Cell Phone Tracking


GPS cell phone tracking technology is currently available on most cell phones manufactured after early 2005. FCC regulations require all new cell phones produced after that date to have the tracking device within the phone. This was spawned after 911 attacks and the beginning on the war on terror. It is also the result of the need to find lost individuals and people who have dialed 911 and are unable to provide location information.

Cell phone carriers generally do not monitor or track the phones of their subscribers. In addition implied FCC guidelines allow the tracking feature to be used in cases of emergencies. Despite these guidelines some carriers have contracted with so called location based service providers. For a fee these companies use data provided by cell phone carriers to provide GPS tracking information. The legality of these services many times depends on the local or state government regulations. Cell phone customers understandably are very wary of intrusions into their privacy and on occasion sought legal remedies to protect themselves. Some feel it is a violation of their 4th amendment rights under the constitution.

The GPS technology that is incorporated into cell phone handsets is not the same as the units used in your vehicle that you use to navigate the roads of this country. GPS auto tracker technology is just not the same as that used in cell phones. Depending on the carrier and the type of cell phone hardware used the location data may be continuous or only available when a location request is made. All these differences make tracking an individual cell phone that you do not own or have a legal interest in very troublesome at best.

Despite all the on line hype the bottom line is that accessing cell phone tracking information on your girl friend or business competitor is generally unavailable and most likely illegal.


Source by Jim Kesel
