The ability to go on for over an hour and make their girls happy comes natural to some guys. Yet, the sad fact is most of us don’t possess that natural ability. A few minutes of action is all we can manage.
That’s right. Statistically, 2-6 minutes is the average time that most men can engage in sexual acts. Such a brief sexual intercourse will never satisfy any woman. A typical woman will need at least 15 minutes of sexual stimulation before she can reach an orgasm.
Here is the solution…
The ability to last long during sex can be mastered. This statement may contradict what you have heard from your peers. PE is not a disease. It is an undesirable condition that can be eradicated if you are willing to work at it. Premature ejaculation doesn’t happen abruptly. This dreadful condition creeps on us slowly, and sooner or later every man will experience PE some time in his life. Some guys just accept it as a fact of life and never try to get rid of it.
The root cause of PE is bad sexual habits. What it takes to eliminate PE from your life once and for all is to overcome the bad habits.
Re-Program Your Thoughts
What if I tell you that your most effective sexual organ is not what is in your pants? Don’t laugh because this is true. You are misguided if you believe that your most powerful sexual organ is your penis. It is your BRAIN. Your brain controls your thoughts which will ignite an orgasm when you are having sex. If you have been concentrating on the physical side of the issue and neglecting the mental aspect of the PE problem, you will never be able to eliminate the problem permanently.
Proper Masturbation Has Its Benefits
Improper masturbation habits when they were young is the major reason that some men experience PE when they are adults. I was young before, and I know what it was like. Masturbation is something that most teenagers have to do quickly for fear of getting caught. When you were a teenager living with your parents, you remember that your privacy was limited. The auto-gratification routine had to be completed within a couple of minutes because your mom or dad could walk into your room in any second. When you entered college and lived on campus, you would experience the same scenario–limited privacy.
The rush to reach an orgasm will stick with you for years to come. When you are a grownup, of course you have more privacy, but that 2-minute sexual routine is still there. You have developed the bad habit of rushing, and the habit is hard to change.
Do you know that one of the easiest methods to improve your staying power is to learn the proper way to masturbate? You can get started by spending more time when gratifying yourself. Get in tune with your body’s reaction to stimulation. Learn to detect when the point of no return is approaching and pause.
This one simple practice can tremendously boost your ejaculatory control.
Source by James Parker Allen