Why LeanFT When UFT Is Still Functional?



HP’s dominance in the field of functional testing has grown over the years. It has been launching new and powerful software testing tools consistently and successfully. This is done in order to remove the negative factors of the existing tools and overcome the eventual limitations caused by the advancement of related hardware and software technologies.

HP already had and still has an automated functional testing tool called UFT running successfully in the market. It is used for functional, service and regression testing. It can automate a web or client based application’s user actions and perform the same actions for different data sets on different operating systems. When executed properly, it saves a considerable amount of time and money.

UFT is made to automate windows based and web based client-server applications. However, it is unable to support all the technologies by default and requires an extension by installing corresponding add ins.

LeanFT has been provided with features which extend the functionality of UFT. It combines the existing features of UFT with those of Selenium in order to address the issues faced by the Dev Testers, Subject Matter Experts and Test Automation Engineers. UFT could not fit into the model of continuous integration and continuous delivery. LeanFT makes this possible and is based on this model. Further, LeanFT leverages the features of Object Oriented programming Language, something which could not be provided by UFT.

LeanFT can run as a standalone testing tool or it can be installed as an add on with UFT satisfying a few pre-requisites. Experts in UFT can easily adapt to LeanFT, but those who are unaware of both, need to learn either from scratch.

LeanFT uses a comprehensive documentation for API’s which are used for automated testing. It also provides an SDK for.Net and Java.

With a combination of the Object Identification Center(OIC), LeanFT forms a superset of the UFT functionalities. It is also possible to convert the existing object repositories of UFT into LeanFT, though this should be done with respect to the best interests of the test procedure followed and not for the sake of the latest technology. Hence, it must be mentioned that though LeanFT comes with extended features of UFT, it does not actually replace UFT. LeanFT only combines the concepts of premium software with those of open source. It combines the features of Selenium with the main functionality of UFT.


While much of the hype has been about UFT versus LeanFT, it is not the actual scenario. With an intention of diversifying the portfolio of its functional testing tools, HP has released LeanFT targeting the user base of Selenium. Whether UFT user or a LeanFT user, it will in any case be an HP functional testing tool user.


Source by Michael Wade Jr
